From genocide to a world football tournament, the incredible story of Darfur United

70' (TV version 52')
Paolo Casalis
Bio, Sport, Football
English, Spanish, Italian
Produzioni Fuorifuoco
Produzioni Fuorifuoco

In 2005, Gabriel Stauring, a young and enterprising activist from California, decides to travel to Africa - with a camera in hand - to do what he can to help the thousands of refugees from Darfur escaping from a cruel and dramatic civil war in Sudan.
Eight years later, Gabriel's enthusiasm is challenged with disappointment: he has since created an NGO and is still risking his life and facing outstanding obstacles, but the international community is no longer interested in his mission.
What can he do, to re-capture the world's attention?
In 2012, he creates "Darfur United", a soccer team made of young Darfuri refugees living in the camps of Chad.
Through exclusive access to 500 hours of video footage taken directly by Gabriel Stauring and other characters in the flim, Not Just Football follows the journey of Darfur United players, from the dust of the refugee camps to the lights of a world football tournament, and along the complex path of going from being refugees to becoming citizens.
Not Just Football.

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"At the beginning it was a lot of talking about how frustrating it was to see that another genocide was taking place and again the world was not responding.
We would share the news and kind of... do searching on informations on Darfur and little by little we started switching to: "Ok, what can we do about it?".
And somehow, from talking, the idea to come to where the people are, record their stories, and bringing back to the rest of the world, came about.

- Gabriel Stauring, founder of NGO IACT and of soccer team Darfur United

Official Selection DocsMX - Mexico City
Official Selection Global Migration Film Festival
Official Selection MyART Festival
Official Selection Tercer Tiempo - Festival Mundial de Cine Fútbolero, Colombia
Official Selection 11MM Film Festival, Berlin
Official Selection Arcosanti Film Festival
Official Selection SHOOT Festival, Copenhagen
Official Selection Helios Film Festival
Official Selection Nice Côte d'Azur International FICTS Festival du Cinéma Sportif 2020

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